Wednesday 11 February 2009

Unicorn Whales

A new bbc program is on this evening, it is the first episode in "Natures Great Events" series. It covers the melting of the ice caps, and footage of the Arctic Unicorn, the whale received its name due to the large spiral tusk they have.

Rarely seen by humans, the Arctic Unicorn travels through the ice caps via gaps and airpockets, A perilous journey made to gain food and breeding grounds.

The program will show the effects of climate change on the ice caps, and shows evidence of the case, with footage of the Unicorn Whale.

For footage of the whales visit

Or watch the program on bbc iplayer.

Saturday 31 January 2009

Plankton Bloom

With regard to the last is a plankton bloom sucking in the CO2 from the atmosphere (you can't see the co2 getting in, so dont panic if you can't see it).

Our Oceans and Carbon Dioxide

So, I read two articles about CO2 in the atmosphere, and possible ways to reduce the amounts of it. The two articles, both found on the BBC website, contradict each other quite badly. The first talks about the possible use of algae and plankton in the ocean to absorb the CO2 and then take it to the bottom of the ocean (when it dies...not using the plankton as some kind of slave force). The problem with this method is the need of huge amounts of plankton. Which means the 'environmental' scientist geniuis' that came up with this idea, also decided that they would fertilise the ocean with iron, to encourage growth....You would think they learnt from our farmland pollution that fertilising nature causes problems.


The second article also spoke of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and its presence in the oceans. However, this article talks about the problems CO2 has been causing....Mostly...the fact that it is making the ocean acidic. (for those of you who don't know....CO2 + H20 = Hydrochloric acid), A lot of you will undoubtadly say "but the oceans are huge they can take it". Sure, they are big, and sure, they can take more than you or I, however, for so long our solution to pollution has been dillution (rhymes...gotta be true right?....wrong). It works to an extent, but not if we continue to do it, the organisms within will struggle to survive, coral reefs (which hold over 1/3 of ocean life) will suffer.


All in all, one bunch of scientist (paid to find a sollution to climate change no doubt) think its a great idea to shove CO2 into the ocean, whilst a bunch of wiser peoples think its a bad idea.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Obama steps towards a Greener America

One of Obamas first steps towards a greener America is the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles. A brave move, and not entirely the best move. Renewable energy is priority in my view. Reducing the vehicle emissions is not going to reduce emissions as much as converting to renewables. However, this is the easier step, which means it is a good step forwards.


Researchers in the USA have found that in the event of stopping/lowering carbon emissions, the planet may stay at high temperatures for up to 1000years. This makes sense, as it is highly unlikely that even after carbon dioxide has stopped being produced, we are going to replace the forests and other carbon sinks that we have removed from the planet. And so the carbon will have nowhere to go.

Obama is taking good steps towards a better world, and I hope his aspirations are an incentive to the rednecks and republicans to step up and take the challenge.

sourced: bbc news.

Monday 26 January 2009

Log Maker - recycle whilst ridding your junk mail!

Fed up of having to get rid of all your junk mail and waste paper and cardboard? why not try a bit of recycling whilst simultaneously enjoying a pleasant way to rid your house of all that waste. The 'log maker' is simple to use and great for wood burners or just for having fires on the beach. My sister is a big fan of this, although I reckon her husband might like it a bit more, no more cutting up logs with an axe (I know...Lazy). A simple method and a good way to rid the house of waste paper.


Sunday 25 January 2009

Darwin and Air Pollution

3 Days ago (January 22nd) was the anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous scientists to have lived. Charles Darwin, known for his Theory of evolution (though in truth, he probably wouldn't have managed that without a Welsh man to help), was born 200 years ago. And as I mentioned, brought about the theory of evolution, which is widely accepted as the explanation of how we are here and look like we do (though the creationists amongst you disagree). Happy Birthday (belated) Darwin.

Elsewhere in the news, research has shown that the decrease in air pollutants in American cities over the last few decades has improved the life expectancy of the population. It has been suggested that lower pollution can add 'months' onto your life....I am pretty sure no research was really needed to prove that. Pollution is pollution = less harm caused.

Friday 23 January 2009

Going Green

Recently there have been a number of articles, books and tv programs springing up that provide hints and tips directed towards going green. Environmentally this is a great step, a small step by each of us provides a big step globally.

Obviously, a large number of you out there have begun to adjust your lifestyles towards that of a green-style. So for those of you who are only starting to consider going green, be it for environmental reasons, or merely to save yourself a few pounds in our current econimic crisis, I have made a short list of a few things that you can do that will improve not only your carbon footprint, but also help towards the global aim.

1. Car share - saves fuel
2. Change from Car to Bike - saves money on fuel and reduces emissions.
3. Grow a garden - If you have space, either a normal flower garden (which improves biodiversity) or a vegetable patch (providing food) can be a great way to help.
4. Avoid Fast food - for your health and that of the planet - a very high percentage of rubbish on highways in America is from MacDonalds. This is not Maccy D's fault, it is the publics faults
5. The three big R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

These are just a few things you can do towards going green. Obviously, another simple act is to join an environmental group such as the CCW, WWF, RSPB or The National Trust.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Green Products

A number of very useful gadgets and devices that will help the user to save on their energy uses are available on the market these days. From the common 'energy saving lightbulbs' all the way to 'water powered alarm clocks'. Of course, some of the items are simple gadgets that will not really save you much, but are just a sneak peak at possible future products, a lot of the products available, are just handy and environmentally friendly presents (although, I wouldn't advise giving the lightbulbs to anyone, unless they are particularly fanatical).

A particular favourite gadget of mine is the 'efergy smart meter'. Though this device does not save energy, it is highly useful in allowing the user to see how much energy I use. Obviously, some people will not want to see how much they use (they get the fear), but most likely, they are the ones that need them.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Obama Sworn in

History is made as Barack Obama is sworn in as the first African-American President of America, perhaps the most powerful country in the world (for the time being at least, won't be long before China take that role).

Obama won the hearts of the voters with his political views and agendas...though it probably helped that George Bush and his team lost the confidence of Americans during his time as President. Now we will see if Obama can fulfill his promises and make the big move into a greener America. with millions of dollars promised to be spent on renewable energy and hybrid cars. The Future is bright for America.

For more info on Mr. Obamas policies, have a look at his personal website (not personal as in a blog type thing, a professional personal one....I know, I was disappointed too).


Monday 19 January 2009

Glaciers are Melting

Reports in the Guardian Newspaper have suggested that come 40 years time, the majority of the glaciers will be gone. A subject that has been highly covered on TV and in adverts and seen by the general public to be one of the main problems that will be caused by climate change.

“The total mass left in the glaciers is now thought to be at the lowest level for "thousands of years". (Telegraph, 2009)
Thousands of people worldwide depend on melt water from glaciers, and if as suggested they all melt, a huge water shortage will ensue. It has been suggested to me that the next major war that will ravage the planet, will not be over resources such as oil, nor will it be over religion. The fundamental resource that every single human being needs to survive is water. And with increased temperatures, and water usage, fighting will occur to control what is available.

Switching to 30 (as Ariel adverts tell you to do) may not now be enough. Drastic changes are needed!

Source -

Light Pollution - new problems found

The BBC announced last Friday that a group of researchers have found a new form of light pollution. Which is quite a shock to me, as I was unaware there was more than one type of light, but, you know what they say. ‘You learn something new everyday’.

The news that ‘polarised’ light can also affect the lifestyles of wildlife (and no, they haven’t all moved to an area of upper class Oxford to get away from it all) has come as a shock to researchers and environmentalists across the UK. The main forms of this light pollution are from roads, glass buildings and water.

Not everybody seems to think it is a bad idea, in fact, some have already suggested using the light as a method of culling troublesome insects. Dr Robertson, one of the Co-Authors for the study said
“You may be able to create massive polarised light traps to crash bark beetle populations."

sourced -

Heathrow and its Third Runway!

Problem after problem is unveiled and it seems that for every effort made to conserve the planet we live on, a new problem arises.

One of the major debates in the country at the moment, second to the ever popular “Who should win Celebrity Big Brother?” is the plans for the 3rd runway at Heathrow. Greenpeace activists have been battling one of Labours most recent attempts to expand aviation. Having secured a plot of land within the area chosen for the runway, Greenpeace have attempted to sabotage the efforts of the Government in the highly criticised plan.

With promises that the new runway will only be used for the most environmentally friendly planes and would not be excessively used until the green targets are achievable, the new runway shows promise of bettering our economy without having an adverse effect on the Environment. However, the government clearly think that these small promises are going to quieten those of us who know better. The suggestion that only “green planes” will be allowed to use the new runway is perfectly plausible, and I salute the Government and British Aviation in their almost flawless plan. However, I am curious to know where it is the planes that are not “green” will be used…Oh, that’s right, the other Runways and airports, how very environmentally friendly. Shifting the “bad” and “nasty” planes onto the other runways will mean that no improvement in the air quality around Heathrow will be found. All these strange decisions by our beloved leaders are starting to make me think come next election; Labour will be struggling for votes.