Monday 19 January 2009

Glaciers are Melting

Reports in the Guardian Newspaper have suggested that come 40 years time, the majority of the glaciers will be gone. A subject that has been highly covered on TV and in adverts and seen by the general public to be one of the main problems that will be caused by climate change.

“The total mass left in the glaciers is now thought to be at the lowest level for "thousands of years". (Telegraph, 2009)
Thousands of people worldwide depend on melt water from glaciers, and if as suggested they all melt, a huge water shortage will ensue. It has been suggested to me that the next major war that will ravage the planet, will not be over resources such as oil, nor will it be over religion. The fundamental resource that every single human being needs to survive is water. And with increased temperatures, and water usage, fighting will occur to control what is available.

Switching to 30 (as Ariel adverts tell you to do) may not now be enough. Drastic changes are needed!

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