Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Obama steps towards a Greener America

One of Obamas first steps towards a greener America is the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles. A brave move, and not entirely the best move. Renewable energy is priority in my view. Reducing the vehicle emissions is not going to reduce emissions as much as converting to renewables. However, this is the easier step, which means it is a good step forwards.


Researchers in the USA have found that in the event of stopping/lowering carbon emissions, the planet may stay at high temperatures for up to 1000years. This makes sense, as it is highly unlikely that even after carbon dioxide has stopped being produced, we are going to replace the forests and other carbon sinks that we have removed from the planet. And so the carbon will have nowhere to go.

Obama is taking good steps towards a better world, and I hope his aspirations are an incentive to the rednecks and republicans to step up and take the challenge.

sourced: bbc news.

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